How to enjoy quiet time

July 17, 2019

Spending time to ourselves is important - we need to be able to recharge our batteries. We all need to take time out of our busy schedules to relax and being surrounded by people expels a lot of energy. This is why we’re going to share with you some tips on how to unwind and enjoy the peace and quiet.

A few people reading a book and taking some time to relax


Turning off your phone and switching off from the world will help declutter your mind from social media. It is important to unplug from technology every once in a while for our mental wellbeing and to relax your mind. Instead of using your phone, take some time out and start reading that book you never got around to reading, or writing in that diary you swore you’d use at the start of the year.

Get creative and find your inner artist. Break out the paints and pencils or buy an adult colouring book. Spend an afternoon pampering yourself, light some candles and take a warm bath. Baths are proven to lower your blood pressure and relax your muscles, so learning how to effectively relax can be life changing.

Someone dipping into a palette of paint, while tea, books and candles are laid out over a bath.


It sounds simple but walking in nature will do you the world of good. Being outdoors can help kick start your mind back into gear and get some fresh air into your lungs. If you don’t want to stray far from your house, make use of your garden. Eat outside, read outside or just sit outside.

A silhouetted person going on a stroll with a backdrop of a beautiful purple sunset and fluffy clouds

Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of birds chirping, the rustling of leaves on the trees and smell the grass. This moment can be deeply therapeutic for some and a daily siesta can get you away from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Seagulls flying, a couple sitting down cross legged looking out over a lake, and a woman closing her eyes seeking a minute of quiet


You can even enjoy quiet time in public. Sounds impossible but when you’re waiting in line at the supermarket, sitting in the dentist or waiting for a train, try doing so without getting out your phone to scroll Facebook and check your emails. Don’t read the newspaper sitting next to you - wait and do nothing. Take in the sounds and smells around you, give your brain some downtime and clear your mind.


Practise the art of doing nothing on your day off. Don’t answer your work emails, spend time with loved ones, stay at home. Remember, you don’t need to feel guilty for enjoying some time to yourself. Get rid of your ‘to-do’ list or what you ‘should’ be doing, setting aside some time for yourself is one of the best things we can do to nurture our imagination and for our mental wellbeing. So take some time out and enjoy the peace and quiet.

A hiker standing on a mountaintop with his arms outstretched during sunrise

This season, we’re encouraging everyone to live in the moment and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. We’d love to know how you’re doing it.

Mention us on Facebook @fatface or using #fatfacemoments on Instagram.

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