All Year Resolutions

January 08, 2019

With the New Year comes new promises and commitments. But why should resolutions be just for January? Set some long-term intentions for 2019 and give the New Year a perfect start.

A group of friends all standing together, happy, in front of countryside where they've been on a hike


From presenting to a group of strangers to trying a new, exotic food, there are plenty of things that take us out of our comfort zone. But what if we embraced the things that scared us and used them to make us feel empowered instead? We’re not saying go and jump out of a plane every month, but that thing you’d normally say no to – try saying yes!


A montage of clear desk spaces, with all clutter tidied away and ornaments neatly positioned

It’s true what they say – a tidy office is a tidy mind. And there’s no better time of year to get your workspace in order. Our wellbeing is so important and keeping a clear desk is a great way to help de-stress and clear the mind. But the key is to try and keep it this way all year round – not just in January, which will help create some order and zen in our busy lives throughout the whole year. Throw out anything you don’t need, label everything so it’s easy to find, and have designated areas to tidy everything into at the end of the day. You’ll feel the benefits straight away.


A young girl on a pebbled beach cleaning up litter, and bottles washed up on shore from the sea

Each time you hit the beach or visit a park, you can make a real difference by picking up just three pieces of litter. That’s three bits of rubbish that will never make its way into the sea. There are loads of great incentives already out there that encourage litter picking wherever you go, like Take 3 For the Sea and Keep Britain Tidy, which you can easily get involved in wherever you are. This simple everyday task can make a real change to our environment if we all work together.


A man wearing a red puffer jacket, a woman wearing a purple jumper and navy skirt, and another woman wearing dungarees with a rainbow-stripe sweat

We’ve all got our own unique style, but sometimes it’s so easy to fall into the same tried and tested formula when it comes to our wardrobe. And it’s the really simple things that can make a difference to our look – like a top in a colour you’ve never worn before, a lightweight scarf to finish your outfit, or a splash of print to make your look feel fresh. This year, why not try something new to give your wardrobe a little refresh? We’d love to see your FatFace picks this season – tag us on Facebook @fatface or on Instagram with #fatfaceadventures.


A photographer taking a photo of the city he's visiting, a hiker looking at from beautiful mountains, a woman sat on a swing overlooking a waterfall

New feels so good, and nothing feeds the soul better than getting out there and exploring what the world has to offer. Whether it’s discovering a new town in the UK or going further afield on a plane, find a map, put a pin in it and see where the road takes you. You might just find a new favourite spot…

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